Tuesday 24 February 2009

3.4 Shot list for your opening sequence

This is my own shot list for my opening sequence.
  1. Establishing shot of the city
  2. A medium shot of Mr and Mrs ''Bravo'' working in the office on their computers
  3. Close up on Mr ''Bravo'' to show his facial expressions
  4. Close up on Mrs ''Bravo'' to show her facial expressions
  5. Medium shot of Mr and Mrs ''Bravo'' drinking coffe
  6. Extreme close up of TV showing breaking news of a bank roberry
  7. Extreme close up of Mr and Mrs ''Bravo'' reaction to the breaking news
  8. Long shot of Mr and Mrs ''Bravo'' running through the doors

3.3 Synopsis of your complete film

Super Hero names
Mrs -Super Strength
Mr - Super Speed

Mr and Mrs Symth by day are a regular married couple who live in New York city and have regular job in an office place but night they are a superhero duo. The scene begins with Mr and Mrs Symth at the work place in the canteen having a conversation, suddenly whilst they are drinking there coffee on the TV the news comes on for an emergency announcement saying there is a bank robbery in progress in the city. At this momement Mr and Mrs Symthlook at each other and go into action, they suddenly run out of the canteen and through the doors and come out of the other side in costume. They run out through the back doors and end up in an alleyway and off they go to save the day.