Tuesday 5 May 2009

3.7 Analysis of your opening sequence

Deconstruction of the titles

Relationship with sound:

I think that my group should have used sound right at the beggining of the opening sequence as this would have drwaed the audience to pay attention.
The sound used when the titles TPN are being used draws the audience in as the music used is very dramatic wich then draws the attntion of the audience.


The letters TPN is used in the same way BBC is used. BBC stands for The British Broadcasting Corporation. TPN stands for The People's News which a member from my group came up with.

Technical Construction:

The letters TPN was done with Finale Cut Pro and then edited and slotted in just before the scene of the news reporter appears.

Deconstruction of the shot sequene

Shot types and framing:
  • wide shot used when news reporter is anouncing the news that a gang of prisoners have escaped jail.
  • wide shot used when news reporter shows CCTV photage of the prisoner escaping.
  • over the shoulder shots used when the two characters are having a conversation
  • wide, long shot is used to show the two characters standing in a corridor

Mise en scene:

  • plan room used with a plain backgroun to give the effect of a news room
  • modern clothes worn to show that the characters were young and hip
  • class room used when characters were having a conversation, which suggets that the characters may be students


  • natural sun light was used to create the effect of a bright news room
  • natural light was used when the characters were having a converstation
  • a semi dark corridor used when characters are standing side by side this gives the effect that something out of the ordinary is going to happen

  • During the beggining of the opening sequence when the logo TPN apperars what you would hear when an american news report comes on. The sound is very dramatic which capyures the audiences attention.
  • when the news reporter is anouncing the crimes that the prisoners have commeted the sounds used before she anounces murder keeps the audience in suspence but also lets them know that someting bad is about to be said
  • the music used when the two chracters are walking through the corridor lets the audience know that they are about to do something great, this then creates suspence as the audience waits for what the two chracters are going to do


  • Montage editing is used when it cuts from the news reporter to the prisoners escaping from jail
  • Shot/reverse shot is used when the two chracters are having a conversation
  • Visual effects is used when the two characters are walking alomg the corridor in slow motion
  • Fades is used when it moves from the news report scene to the two characters having a conversation

Studio and Marketing


  • There was no budget as the opening sequence was done using borrowed equipment and settings
  • mise en scene like clothing were supplied by characters themselves


  • The target audience for this film are teenagers who are into superhero films. Those who watch a lot of films with action and like the thrill of suspence.

3 ways the opening sequence addresses the target audience

  1. The main characters are a young couple so the target audience can relate to them
  2. The opening sequence involves action/drama which most teenagers are attracted to
  3. It creates suspence by leaving the audience guessing of what is going to happen on the other side of the door.

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