Tuesday 5 May 2009

Evaluation and reflection of the creative process and your experience

1)I think that my opening sequence was very similar to the movie Icredibles that i analysed. I think that they are similar because Incredibles is about a family that are a typical family by day but when needed are superheros. This is similar to my opening sequence as their superhero identities are unknown.
Also the type of sound used in the Incredibles when the Incredibles logo appears is the same type of music that is used in my opening sequence when the logo TPN apperas. The type of music used makes the audience believe that something great is going to appear, this keeps the auience engaged in what they are watching, to find out what happens next.
The difference between my opening sequence and the Incredibles is that they used continuity editing a lot while my group used a lot of montage edition and shot/reverse shot.

2) My groups opening sequence represents a particiular social group very well. It represents young adults in a positive way. When i asked my audience if the felt they could relate to any of the characters in the opening sequence, none of my audience said they could relate to any of the main characters. This may have ben because the characters were a working class young couple and all of most of my audience were students.

3)The kind of media institution that might distribute my media product is Working Title Films 2. Working Title Films 2 is the smaller production team to Working Title Films which release most of the British films that are realeased in Britain. Working Title 2 are well known for their lower budget films like Shaun of the Dead and Billy Elliot.
Now that i have completed my my product, i do not agree with my original ideas. The reason why i do not agree with my original ideas as looking at the feedback from my audience it shows that most or all of my audience said they could not relate to the two main characters. I believe that they could not relate to the two main characters because of the age difference between my target audience and two main characters.
When the audience were asked if the opening sequence could be improved, half of my audience said that they did not recognise that they were superheros. When asked what they would improve in the opening sequence 3 out 4 said that the super strength and super speed that they talked about should have been shown.

4)The target audience that i had previously picked for my opening sequence was teenagers. The target audience that i had choose did not respond to the opening sequence as not one person could not relate to the two main characters. This may have been because of the age diffrence or the fact that they did not show any superhero powers that might of intrested the target audience.
Judgeing from the target audience that i had previously chossen it is plain to see that the opening sequence would have been better if it was recieved by an alternative audience. I think the target audience that could have related to the opening sequence better would have been people aged 18 and over.

5)From looking at the feedback questionnaires, when the audience was asked if they had a particular scene they liked all of my audience said that they prefered the scene where the prisoner was shown escaping form jail. I think that my audience prefered this scene as it was full of action.
I also asked my audience what was their least favourite scene and 3 out of 4 people said they did not like the scene where the two main characters where having a conversation. They said it was because they conversation seemed boring so they could not concentrate fully.
To improve my audiences response i plan to add a lot more scenes that involve action and drama as this seems to attract my target audience.

6)From shooting my opening sequence i have learnt and been introduced to a lot of new technology. For example, i learnt that placing a camera in different positions can change a shot completely or even just using a zoom button to create different shots like a wide shor or an extreme close up. The opening sequence also intoduced me to Finale cut pro, i learnt how to cut and place different scenes at differents points in the opening sequence. Even thoough finale cut pro is new to me i hope to learn how to use it properly.
I found that even though Eblogger could be annoying it was a quick and easy way i and my teacher could track how my course work was coming along. This then gave the opportunity for my teacher to track what i was doing and give me any feedback or assistance if i needed.
Me and my group used Gantt charts to scedual the times and dates that we would be filming or editing the opening sequence. Even though me and my group had a Gantt chart it was very difficult to keep up with the times and dates that we had set. This made it difficult for my group to finish the opening sequence to our best ability. This helps make sure that you stay up to date with the product and you dont lose track of time of the course work deadline.

7)I think that doing the preliminary task helped me prepare for the opening sequence as it showed me the time, effort and commitment needed to finish the opening sequence. I learnt that it is very different to get the same shot more that once and to also use a wide range of different shots as this makes the editing process much easier. I also learnt that that it is very important to be aware of your surroundings as something that does not match your mise en scene can rewin the shot. It is also very important to be aware of any backgorund noise as this could also rewin a good shot.
Looking back at my preliminary exercise i could notice a slight improvement in my opening sequence. This may have been because the preliminary exercise gave me an insight into what i should expect while shooting my opening sequence. So therefore i did not make the same mistakes i did while shooting my preliminary exercise.

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